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White Paper

Due Diligence in the Fashion and Textile Industries

Get Ahead of New Fashion & Textile Legislations

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the surge of new global regulations like the Digital Product Passport, CSDDD, Due Diligence, and Modern Slavery Acts? You’re not alone. Many international fashion and luxury brands are navigating this complex landscape too.

Governments worldwide are clamping down on controversial industry practices, making it essential for companies to stay compliant. Our white paper demystifies the legal frameworks reshaping fashion, helping you reduce risks and enhance your social and environmental impact.

What’s Inside:

  • Comprehensive ESG Regulations Overview: Learn about key legislations like CSRD, ESPR, and DPP.
  • Global Preparation Strategies:Discover techniques for supplier mapping and traceability.
  • Positive Business Impact: Understand how transparency can boost your brand’s reputation and sustainability.

Embrace these changes not just for compliance but to inspire a more humane, sustainable future for all by downloading our White Paper. 

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Get our white paper now to gain insight on the legal landscape affecting fashion & luxury today - and beyond!
